Essential Oils

dōTERRA - Quality Purity Effectiveness

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are a plant’s natural immune system…

They are what plants produce to protect themselves against external threats, whether it be pathogens or animals who may want to nibble at them, and also to repel or attract insects (for reproduction purposes). Our cells, like plants’, are carbon-based, and essential oils can be used by humans to support the healthy function of our body systems and defences.

Essential oils can support our bodies physically, but also play an important role in supporting our emotional and mental wellbeing through their aromatic use. As well, they play a key role, in many homes, in reducing toxic overload by being used to make simple and effective household cleaning and personal hygiene products (all of which I can, and will, show you how).

With dōTERRA’s pure and heavily tested essential oils, we can also use them for food preparation, which you will find ideas for in my blog.

It is essential oils that give flowers and plants their beautiful fragrances, and so by diffusing oils in our homes, we can bring in pleasant smells into our environment, without all the chemical laden fragrances that come with artificial air fresheners/perfumes.

How they work-Physically

Essential oils are the plant’s natural immune system protecting it from external threats, infections such as bacteria, viruses, microbes, other pathogens and even insects.

Like us, plants are carbon based lifeforms and we too can share the benefits from essential oils.

How they work-Emotionally

When you inhale an oil it interacts with the olfactory centre in the brain, which in turn impacts emotions.

I have experienced and observed dōTERRA's essential oils impact on emotions to be profound. For those family members with autism there was support for sensory issues, stress, anxiety and a myriad of emotions. We use the oils to help identify and express emotions.

How they work- Reducing toxic load

Essential Oils can be used to make simple and effective household cleaning products, personal hygiene products and pure fumes to replace chemical perfumes or diffuse them to replace chemical air fresheners.

How they work - Deliciously

With dōTERRA’s pure and heavily tested essential oils, we can also use them for food preparation.

How they are used

The power of essential oils have been revered and utilised since the earliest civilisations: Harappan, Indian, Chinese, Greek, Roman etc…


These cultures used oils in ceremonies as offerings, to accompany practices, and also provide spiritual connection. The aroma influences the mind through the olfactory centre and is believed to alter and support emotions on a mundane and spiritual level. In addition, on an ultimate level they are believed to facilitate a connection to all that is. Furthermore, the aroma is carried on the ether which is believed to connect sentient beings to all realms of existence and the ultimate.


Traditionally, oils and plants were used as medicine applied to the body for daily maladies. On a grander scale oils such as Melissa were used by gladiators. Their wounds were horrific. My grandmother would always go to the gypsies for remedies using traditional blends much the same as the ones I use today with my oils. Again the quality that you would find in doTERRA’s essential oils is of huge importance. My teacher once said that ‘you should never put anything on your skin that you can’t eat’.


dōTERRA's essential oils have exceptional purity and quality and many of the oils are licensed for internal use. Many people around the world use them daily in their water to drink, in their food for rich exotic vibrant flavour and for their medicinal properties. The doTERRA oils are very powerful, so the guidelines provided should be followed. I firmly believe that is why me, my family and my clients have such profound benefits from them.

Often, a client becomes familiar with dōTERRA essential oils through participating in therapies or practices with me or an Introductory Class or one of the many classes run by our Well Being Collective.

Some examples of how we use essential oils in our home:

Peppermint - to support healthy respiratory and digestive function, and also to aid with focus
Lavender - to help soothe the nervous system, supporting the body and mind to rest
Deep Blue - a blend to help reduce the tension in the muscles and discomfort in joints
Wild Orange - to help calm the body, hence supporting mood
ZenGest - to aid digestive function and maintain overall digestive health
Tea Tree - to cleanse the skin, and can promote a healthy immune function
On Guard - to help support healthy immune and respiratory function

A Little Story

One of my  earliest memories of using essential oils was travelling in Thailand in my early twenties. Heat humidity and very basic living conditions meant infections were a real threat and could take hold rapidly. A fellow traveller had a scratch on their foot. Initially, their foot swelled. By the second day it was their leg and they had to be airlifted out. I scratched an insect bite in my sleep removing the skin. It took over a month to dry up and heal. I oiled it religiously to protect against infection. From that time forward I have always travelled with a basic kit to support, sleep, relax, travel sickness, insect bites and to protect against infection and illness.

Nowadays my dōTERRA essential oils make up the majority of my luggage- lol. After having all the lymph nodes removed in my right axilla I was advised to treat any bite or scratch withe extreme care, so I have oils on me everywhere I go even if it is nipping to the shop. 

 dōTERRA’s Sourcing Philosophy

Co-Impact Sourcing

Sourcing the Best and Helping the Most

 dōTERRA’s passion and commitment to supporting some of the most important issues facing humanity today…

Healing Hands Foundation

Empowering Change

More about dōTERRA Oils

  • Because of the purity and testing…

    Certified Pure Tested Grade (CPTG)

    The essential oils industry is not a strictly regulated industry; so it is very hard to be sure you are getting the purest form, that is safe to use, for you and your loved ones.

    Many essential oils are topped up with fillers, carrier oils, and cheaper oils, not to mention they can frequently contain chemicals and pesticides. Whether you choose to put these oils in your bath, diffuse them, or apply them topically onto your skin, they go into your blood system, and then beyond that into your cells, so you must ensure their purity.

    dōTERRA essential oils, through ethical and thorough growing and processing techniques, as well as in-depth testing, including using a third party for the final tests, are of the highest grade. They set their own standards, CPTG (Certified Pure Tested Grade), so they can guarantee to us that these oils are 100% pure and potent – when used responsibly (something I am passionate about teaching) they are very safe and they work!

    One of the best places to go to see the level of transparency around how dōTERRA source and test their oils is the Source To You website - a wealth of incredible information!

    This means you can safely use your oils in three ways: Aromatically, Topically & Internally.

    Please note I would only recommend these methods be applicable to dōTERRA oils, due to the purity of the oils, as verified through extensive testing.

  • dōTERRA has compassionate morals and ethics that complement my own. This is reflected in their business practices and their treatment of all beings and the planet.

  • dōTERRA’s charitable arm, Healing Hands, goes above and beyond in terms of generosity of money and time to improving the lives of those humans most in need. This is not just an add on to ‘look good’ for marketing purposes, this is at the core of the dōTERRA culture; it is something we all live and breathe.